21 October 2012

Party or Wedding Favor Idea: Map Cups with Gold Coins

So when I was a kid I was in love with Lamp Chop and I remember one craft she taught that I thought was really cool. She made these super easy and cute little paper cups. I was thinking how awesome would it be if you made the paper cups with either a printed pirate map scrapbook paper or a rustic looking map paper, and then fill them up with candy coin coins. I think that would be pretty cool!!

NOTE: If you already have paper in the shape of a square, skip ahead to step 5.


Gather the paper you want to use and a pair of scissors. Make sure to assist small children when cutting.


Place the paper in front of you horizontally (long ways). Take the right hand corner of the page and fold it down so that you create an even triangle. (Refer to picture for better idea on how to fold).


You should have a long retangle left over on the left hand of the paper. Fold it over to create a crease. Your paper should look slightly like a sail boat now.


Now unfold everything, so that you have an 8x10 again. You will need to cut the long retangle off now. Looking at the picture, cut where the red dotted lines are.


You now have a perfect square to make the cup! Fold the square back over creating a triangle.

STEP: 6-9

Now fold the left hand point over until it touches the other side of the triangle. Next do the same with the right hand corner.
The top point is two pieces of paper, one on the front and one on the back. Pull down the front piece and fold down. Now turn over the cup and do the same with the back top point.
You now have your cup!!
Now it's time for fun! Decorate your cups with crayons, markers, glitter, stickers - whatever your creative mind can come up with!

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